Who is Hortensia Greene?

She walks up the drive, weaving her way through pallets of seedlings, plant starts, potted trees and shrubs, slowing as she passes the greenhouse so that she can peek inside to view the plant wonders. She sighs with pleasure at the variety of plants in the greenhouse - orchids, banana trees, fig trees, and various unusually shaped planters, with a delightful variety of plant life spilling forth from them. She turns away from the greenhouse door, to pass by perennial beds to her left and a stone embankment to her right, just behind the greenhouse, scanning to see what is in bloom or which new plant is emerging. She then proceeds up a slight slope, and is greeted by several raised beds, all in some process of food production - kale, cauliflower, lettuce, and perhaps a row of calendula spilling over its frame.
Reaching the kitchen door, she is greeted by a dog duet of barks, whines and howls of delight. She unlocks the door and walks over to the counter to get a dog treat out of a canister, breaking it in half, and making the two dogs sit before she gives them each their treats.
"Good boy, Rio! Good boy, Bodi!" She praises them, while kissing and ruffing up their fur, as she removes her boots and puts on her slippers, heading toward the office door.
She opens the office door slightly and peeks inside.
"I'm busy!" Jenna calls out. "You're early! Did you get the mail?"
"It's right here," Hortensia answers, waving the mail in her hand.
"Thanks! I'll take a look later. There's things for you to do. Please type up my bio and put it up on the website. It's right there on the desk, next to the laptop."
Hortensia slips behind Jenna, sits down at the desk and begins to type ...